Dilasa Soil and Water testing laboratory, Waladgaon, Aurangabad
Dilasa Janvikas Pratishthan has established a state of the art soil testing laboratory in the premises of Dilasa Agro Processors Pvt. Ltd. The lab is approved and subsidized by the Government of Maharashtra and currently receives samples for testing from the district Aurangabad. The government approved lab is well equipped by modern instruments such as Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), Flame Photometer, Spectrophotometer, pH meter, EC meter, Automatic Nitrogen Distillation Unit, Quarts double distillation unit, Oven, Horizontal shaker, Rotary shaker etc. and has the capacity of testing 15,000 soil samples and 1000 water samples per year.
Soil Health Card report is prepared containing the status of soil with respect to 12 parameters: pH, Electrical conductivity, Organic Carbon, Sulphur Micro nutrients like Zinc, Ferrous, Copper, Manganese, Boron and Macro nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potash.
Soil testing gives an idea to farmers about lacking nutrients in soil, suitable crop and the required fertilizer. Farmers receive a well maintained soil health record through which they can study the soil management practices. Accordingly, they can plan the future of their crops and land. Soil health card contains an advisory based on the soil nutrients status of a farmers holding. It will show recommendations on doses of different nutrients needed. Further, it will advise to farmers on the fertilizers and their quantity he should apply. So as to realize optimum yield.